Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A new year

Last year I didn't set any real formal goals or new years resolutions and it still turned out to be a really great year! I considered doing that again this year but there are a few things I would love to be better at and I feel the only way I am going to accomplish them is if I write them down for all to see. So with that being said 2011's goals are as follows:

Blogging- This year I am setting the goal to blog three times a week. When I first thought about this goal I was very specific of days and themes and so on, but have come to the conclusion that just blogging is going to be hard enough for me. I figured that as the year goes on and if I can actually manage this, then I can do specifics. I just don't want to set myself up to fail! A few ideas for topics I have come up with are of course the kids, running and crafts to fulfill my three and anything on top of that will be bonus. As for now whatever I get posted is good enough for me. So there you have it! Now hold me to it!

Dental Hygeiene- Kind of embarassing I know but like I said I have to write it down. So... Don't get any bad ideas about me or my teeth. I do brush them everyday, but I am not the best at flossing and I sometimes forget to brush at night. Therefore I am going to try and floss regulalry and not forget at night.

So there you have it! Haley Moon's 2011 goals are out there for everyone to see and hold me to. What are your resolutions or goals for this new year? I hope everyone had a great holiday season and are looking forward to this year as much as I am.


Saimi said...

Yay!!! You're back!!! With all that talk of flossing I'm gonna be looking real close at your pearly whites HA!!

Lindsey said...

Yes! I can't wait to hear more about what is going on in your guys' life!