Since I have been a slacker blogger the last however many months, there is no way I am going to be able to catch up on everything that has happened. Zoey has gotten so big so fast and has grown into such a little girl its hard to believe she isn't even two. She is as active as one child can be and talks my ear off all day long. I really cant believe how smart she is and sometimes wonder where she got it. I know it is not from me and it could be from her dad, but he says no way. We just love her to death and are praying we get as lucky this second go around (it will never happen)! Here are just a few pictures from the recent months!
Happy New Year!!
3 years ago
Ice skates, you got her on ice skates, you guys are the coolest parents!! I'm so glad to see her in her Halloween costume, I really missed seeing her on Halloween!
Love the photo's!!
Hailey I am so glad you are blogging and nothing is cuter than your lil girl in ice skates! love it! hey send me your email and ill send you an invite to our blog!
I can't believe she went ice skating! She's so big! I wish I could hear her talk. You should take a video of hter talking and post it :)
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