Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Little Momma

Zoey has thus far shown no signs of jealousy towards her little brother. Actually it has been just the opposite. She can't get enough of him. She adores him and is constantly trying to kiss him, hold him, and help with him. Yesterday while I was in the shower, I sat Landon in his bouncy chair just outside the door. The entire time I was in there Zoey sat right next to him talking his ear off and rubbing his head. Then she got a few of his toys and was showing him how to use them. When she was done with that I saw the cutest thing ever. She grabbed a few books from her room and started reading to him while I got dressed! It seriously brought tears to my eyes and a huge smile to my face. I love my kids so much and am really glad that Zoey loves Landon!

Also yesterday while I was feeding Landon Zoey went back towards her room and I just figured she was going to play with her toys like she often times will. I was wrong! After quite some time I called for her to come to me and she wouldn't. I tried several times with no luck and started to get upset. I cut Landon off and went back to make sure she wasn't getting into anything and to my surprise I found this....
I have no idea still how she got in it, but I know now why she didn't come. 


Saimi said...

I'm chuckling! She is so stinking adorable and I love what a big sister she is!!!

Looks like Landon is enjoying her reading!!

You're one lucky mama!!!