Friday, March 13, 2009

Today is the day!

Alex and I are to show up at Deaconess Hospital at 7:30 tonight. Depending on how far my body has progressed, determines one of two paths we take. If I am dilated to a 2 then we will be induced tonight(path 1) and if not path two must be taken. Path two consists of a 12 hour process of softening my cervix and then being induced tomorrow morning. Either path, we are excited to meet little Zoey sometime within the next 48 hours.

Alex and I with the help of his great parents have been attempting to get our apartment packed and cleaned before the big move on Monday. We originally thought we were going to be moving the Thursday after she was born but again things changed and we only have until Monday. Yes we are going to have a child and move all within three days.

I can't really describe the roller coaster of emotions I am feeling and have felt over the last week or so. All I can say is that I am sooooo thankful for great family, the best husband and my Heavenly Father. I know all of them are going to continue to help me through this crazy time.

Coming soon........ PICTURES OF ZOEY!!!!


Jon and Maryanne said...

You guys will be in our prayers! I can't believe you guys are going through having a baby and moving within 3 days! I think it's crazy, but at least you have great family to help you out. You better take some time to yourself to breath when you are done moving. Relax as soon as you can and enjoy your bundle of joy!

Melissa Edwards said...

I hope your little girl is doing well. I can't wait to see pictures. Congratulations!!

Lindsey said...

I know you are probably super busy tired and overwhelmed but i cant wait to see pics of your lil Zoey-- love the name by the way!! hope you are feeling good!!! just make sure to use a good birth control :-) or you will get a surprise just like me and be preggers in two months!!! hehehe!!