Wednesday, March 4, 2009

LEt tHe MAdNesS bEgIN

Sorry it has been so long since I have updated everyone! I really have no excuse. A lot has gone on since the beginning of the year and all of it has been pretty great. So in the last two months the following has taken place:

Alex and I gained a nephew (He is so cute!)
We got to spend time with our bestests (Not enough time!)
We have acquired almost everything we need for Zoey
I was replaced at work
Alex finished his case project for his internship
and the snow is finally melting

In the last week, the fact that we have some really big changes coming up has really sunk in. We thought we had at least one more Sunday in our ward and come to find out last Sunday was our last. We will be in Yakima this coming weekend and the weekend after we will be in the hospital and then we move. Yes in the hospital. Our doctor has decided to have us come in on FRIDAY THE 13th to start the inducing process and hopefully Zoey will be with us on the 14th sometime.

That leaves us with just over a week to get packed and ready to move before she comes. Alex and I both only have 5 full days left at our current places of employment (I am happy and Alex is sad)! Our time line has been shortened and the stress has started to set in. The combination of nerves and excitement has completely taken us over. My body is exhausted and ready to have her out. All in all things are crazy!!!!!

Please keep Alex, Zoey and I in your prayers! We will need all the help we can get. Until I get the chance to post again....Take care everyone!


Jon and Maryanne said...

Holy Cow!!! I can't believe you are having to move at the exact same time that you are having a baby!!! Crazy! I thought it was crazy that Jon and I moved into our house when I was a little over 7 months pregnant! Good luck!!! We loved having you guys in our ward! YOu will be missed!!!!!

EternaLeppert said...

Sad!! I had no idea you guys were moving!! You're such wonderful people, we wish you the best of luck! And your new journey with little Zoey will be one to cherish! George and I LOVE being parents!!! Good luck!