Saturday, January 15, 2011

Soon to Arrive!

Ultrasound at 20 weeks
Last week I was 38 weeks, dilated to a 3 and very soft. My doctor said my cervix felt different and she would be surprised if I didn't go into labor on my own before the scheduled induction date. So she stripped my membranes that day (Wednesday) and so far nothing. My gut feeling was that I would have to be induced and so far I have been right. My induction is set for Tuesday the 18th at 6am. I am very much looking forward to getting this little monster out of me and seeing his face for the first time!

This time around for labor and delivery I have invited my mom and my sister in law Sommer to join Alex and I in the delivery room. I figure why have some student nurse try and hold my extremely heavy leg when I could have someone I love. So there will be an audience of people I know this time rather than an army of strangers. I really hope and pray things go as well as they did with Zoey and maybe even a bit faster. Keep your fingers crossed for ease and comfort!

Alex and I feel so blessed to have family so close. We have an abundance of support and love going into this and couldn't be more grateful. On top of family we have extended family behind the fence that are amazing. They show us more love and support than we deserve! WE LOVE THEM DEARLY and cant thank them enough!

On another note, I have been nesting like crazy this week and also put in some extra hours at work, leaving me extremely exhausted. I have not had time, energy or honestly the desire to blog this week and promise I have not already failed my new years resolution. Tomorrow there will be another post of Landon's nursery, for a grand total of 2 this week (one short, sorry). After that the next post will be all about the delivery and introducing our son.

Please keep all of us and our family in your prayers the next few days!


Lindsey said...

Good luck Hailey! We will be praying for you guys! Having your membranes stripped sounds yuck. Hope you are doing okay.

Saimi said...

As far as your resolution goes, are you still flossing?!! HA!

You guys are awesome and we are so blessed to have you as friends!!! You are the BEST!!!