Sunday, November 8, 2009

Back with a Vengeance

Still no Internet, but I can't stand not blogging any longer so I am going to bite the bullet and steal the neighbors or use my parents until we decide on a company to go through. It has been a very long time and a lot has happened in the last three months. I figured I would break this post up into at least two different ones. Zoey gets one to herself and then everything else will go on the next few.Zoey Jo has changed a ton in the last few months. She has gotten a lot bigger and has started doing a lot more. Her a just a few things she has accomplished in no particular order:

  • Rolling over both ways
  • Sits all by herself
  • Pulls to a stand
  • Waves bye bye
  • Signs "more"
  • Babbling
  • Balances on her dad's hand
  • Feeds herself finger foods
  • Drinks out of a sippy cup
  • Looks cuter and cuter every day!!
Zoey had her six month check up and shots just short of being seven months old. She weighed in at 16lbs and 15oz and 25 and a 1/2 inches. That is the 45th percentile for weight and 30th percentile for height. Her dad was able to attend this appointment and it was the first time he has seen her get shots. After her shots she cried for no lie, maybe 10 seconds and then didn't make another peep. I couldn't believe it, because she was no where close to that good during her other appointments. It must have been the fact that her daddy was there to comfort her. Already a daddy's girl!!!

Alex did her six month pictures and we are very happy with how they turned out. She was a trooper during the whole thing and did a great job smiling for us. Let us know which is your favorite!Zoey has been getting 4 teeth on the top all at the same time this week. She has been a bit more fussy but nothing like I would expect for getting that many. The ladies at MOPS that work in the nursery couldn't believe she was teething because she acted so good. PROUD MOMMY MOMENT! I think those are important to acknowledge :). Today was the first day of them actually breaking through and I am hoping for her sake that the pain goes down.All around she is doing good. She is still not crawling but I really don't think it will be long. She likes playing on her knees and will rock back and forth while on her hands and knees, but she just doesn't go forward. She pushes herself backwards and also tries going from sitting to her hands and knees but hasn't quite figured it out. She face plants every time. Oh well, she will figure it out soon enough. If she hasn't by 9 months I will begin to worry.

So there is the Zoey update! I hope everyone enjoys the pictures. It feels good to be back!!!


Anonymous said...

So cute! I love all the pictures!